Oct 16, 2024

Building improving and pivoting a saas MVP

Winning Strategies to Build, Improve, and Pivot Your SaaS MVP – Softlancer Blog

Building improving and pivoting a saas MVP

Building, Improving, and Pivoting a SaaS MVP: A Comprehensive Guide for Startups

In the tech startup landscape, creating a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) is a trial by fire. It's your first foray into the market - a tangible prototype that encapsulates your business’ core functions and value proposition. This blog will explore how to build, improve, and possibly pivot a Software as a Service (SaaS) MVP.


Building an MVP is not an endpoint; it's a journey. It incorporates iterative development cycles that refine the initial product, honing-in on market demand and customer preferences.

Now, drawing from a wealth of development cycles, let’s break down the MVP journey into three core facets: Building, Improving, and Pivoting.

Build: Laying the Foundation

The first challenge is to deliver your fundamental idea to your users and collect their feedback. The key here is to identify and focus on the core functionalities only.

// Function to define MVP core features
function defineCoreFeatures(mvpConcept) {
    let coreFeatures = [];

    /* Analyze MVP concept and list features that represent the 
       unique selling proposition */

    // Return list of core features
    return coreFeatures;

In this code snippet above, the primary function is to identify and list the core features of the MVP based on the unique selling proposition (USP). This allows for a focused strategy during the initial stages of development.

Tip: Use AWS SDK V3 to leverage cloud-based services like AWS Lambda for serverless architecture and AWS RDS for an easy-to-set-up, scalable database.

Improve: Continuous Refinement

Once you've built your SaaS MVP, it's time to bring in users for feedback and commence iterative refinements. Here are three key steps to make it happen:

Feedback Analytics

Feed this user feedback into an analytics platform. This will provide you with actionable metrics and help prioritize feature requests and UX enhancements.

Iterative Development

This approach lets you incorporate enhancements and customizations in cycles, allowing the product to grow organically with user observations.

// Function to perform iterative development
async function performIterativeDevelopment(featureRequests) {
    // Prioritize feature requests based on user feedback

    // Test and implement new features

    // Roll out updates to users

Here, the function performIterativeDevelopment is intended for iterative development, focusing on incorporating and testing new features based on user feedback.

Tip: Use AWS CodePipeline for automating the different stages in the iterative development flow.


Gather feedback again, appreciate it, understand it, and incorporate it. Rinse and repeat this process.

Pivot: Making the Strategic Shift

Pivoting is a major strategic shift that could entail changing your target audience, technology used, or business model. As scary as it may seem, pivoting could be the make-or-break decision for your startup.

There's no code snippet for making pivoting decisions - that requires comprehensive data analysis and business acumen. However, remember that being agile is key, and the willingness to pivot can turn a stumbling enterprise into a successful one.

// Strategizing pivot
function strategizePivot(userFeedback) {
  // Identify sticking points

  // Analyze market trends

  // Deliberate on challenges and opportunities

  // Formulate new strategy

Comparisons & Use Cases

Case 1: Not Pivoting

Ignoring user feedback and plowing ahead, the result: a product that nobody wants.

Case 2: Pivoting

Listening to users and taking a strategic detour led Slack to pivot from a gaming company to a cloud-based team collaboration tool.


Your MVP is the first stepping stone to understanding your market and users. Be ready to build, improve, and pivot as needed. Stay focused, be responsive, be agile, and keep iterating because the road to a successful SaaS product isn't straight, but with perseverance, it’s reachable.




Q1: What is an MVP?
MVP stands for Minimum Viable Product – a basic version of your product that solves the principal user problem.

Q2: What is iterative development?
Iterative development means developing the product in cycles, where each cycle involves feedback and enhancement.

Q3: When should a startup consider pivoting?
Startups should consider pivoting when current strategies are not working, user feedback indicates a different need, or there’s a significant market change.