Jul 20, 2024

Assessing and Measuring Technical Debt

Effective Tools and Metrics for Assessing and Measuring Technical Debt in Software Development

Assessing and Measuring Technical Debt


Technical debt, much like financial debt, can cripple a software project if not managed properly. While it’s often necessary to incur some technical debt to meet business goals and deadlines, keeping it in check is crucial for the long-term health of your software. But how do you assess and measure technical debt effectively? In this blog, we'll explore the tools, techniques, and metrics that can help you quantify technical debt and make informed decisions about its management.

Why Assess Technical Debt?

Understanding the extent of your technical debt is the first step in managing it. By assessing technical debt, you can:

  • Prioritize Refactoring Efforts: Focus on the most critical areas that need improvement.

  • Allocate Resources Effectively: Ensure that time and budget are directed towards reducing debt where it will have the most impact.

  • Improve Code Quality: Foster a culture of continuous improvement and high code quality.

  • Increase Team Productivity: Reduce the time spent dealing with technical issues and bugs.

Metrics for Measuring Technical Debt

  1. Code Quality Metrics

    • Cyclomatic Complexity: Measures the number of linearly independent paths through a program's source code. High complexity indicates difficult-to-maintain code.

    • Code Smells: Indicators of deeper problems in the codebase, such as duplicated code, large classes, and long methods.

    • Maintainability Index: Combines several metrics to give an overall score of code maintainability. A lower score suggests higher technical debt.

  2. Testing Metrics

    • Test Coverage: The percentage of code covered by automated tests. Low test coverage often correlates with high technical debt.

    • Defect Density: The number of defects per unit of code. High defect density indicates poor code quality and potential technical debt.

  3. Technical Debt Ratio (TDR)

    • Definition: The ratio of the cost to fix the system (remediation cost) to the cost to develop the system (development cost). A higher TDR indicates higher technical debt.

    • Formula: TDR = (Remediation Cost / Development Cost) * 100

    • Example: If the remediation cost is $50,000 and the development cost is $200,000, the TDR is 25%.

  4. Code Churn

    • Definition: The frequency and extent of code changes. High code churn may indicate instability and a high level of technical debt.

    • Impact: Frequent changes can introduce bugs and make the codebase harder to maintain.

  5. Technical Debt Density

    • Definition: The amount of technical debt per line of code. It helps in understanding the relative debt in different parts of the codebase.

    • Formula: Technical Debt Density = Total Technical Debt / Lines of Code

Tools for Assessing Technical Debt

  1. SonarQube

    • Features: SonarQube is a popular tool for continuous inspection of code quality. It provides detailed reports on code smells, bugs, vulnerabilities, and technical debt.

    • Usage: Integrate SonarQube into your CI/CD pipeline to monitor code quality continuously.

    • Example: SonarQube’s Technical Debt plugin can estimate the effort required to fix issues in the codebase.

  2. CodeClimate

    • Features: CodeClimate offers automated code review for test coverage, maintainability, and technical debt. It supports various languages and integrates with popular development tools.

    • Usage: Use CodeClimate to receive real-time feedback on code quality and debt during development.

  3. NDepend

    • Features: NDepend is a static analysis tool for .NET applications that provides detailed metrics and visualizations of technical debt.

    • Usage: Use NDepend’s debt estimation and visualization features to identify and prioritize debt remediation efforts.

  4. CAST Highlight

    • Features: CAST Highlight is a software analytics tool that provides insights into software health, including technical debt, complexity, and risk.

    • Usage: Use CAST Highlight to assess technical debt across multiple projects and make data-driven decisions.

Steps to Assess Technical Debt

  1. Identify Key Metrics: Choose the metrics that are most relevant to your project and goals. This could include cyclomatic complexity, code smells, test coverage, and defect density.

  2. Set Baselines and Goals: Establish baseline values for your chosen metrics and set realistic goals for improvement. This will help in tracking progress and making informed decisions.

  3. Use Automated Tools: Implement tools like SonarQube, CodeClimate, or NDepend to continuously monitor and report on technical debt.

  4. Analyze Results: Regularly review the reports generated by these tools to identify high-debt areas. Pay special attention to parts of the codebase with high complexity, low test coverage, and frequent changes.

  5. Prioritize Remediation Efforts: Focus on high-impact areas first. Use the technical debt ratio and other metrics to prioritize which issues to tackle based on their potential risk and impact.

  6. Monitor Progress: Continuously track your metrics to ensure that technical debt is being reduced over time. Adjust your strategies as needed based on the insights gained from these metrics.

Code Example: Calculating Cyclomatic Complexity

Here’s an example of how you might calculate cyclomatic complexity in a JavaScript function.

JavaScript Function:

javascriptCopy codefunction calculateComplexity(a, b, c) {
  if (a > b) {
    if (b > c) {
      console.log('Path 1');
    } else {
      console.log('Path 2');
  } else if (a === b) {
    console.log('Path 3');
  } else {
    console.log('Path 4');

Cyclomatic Complexity Calculation:

  1. Identify the number of decision points (if, else if) in the function.

  2. Cyclomatic Complexity = Number of decision points + 1.

  3. In this function, there are 3 decision points (if (a > b), if (b > c), else if (a === b)).

Cyclomatic Complexity = 3 + 1 = 4


  • Path 1: a > b and b > c

  • Path 2: a > b and b <= c

  • Path 3: a === b

  • Path 4: a < b

Cyclomatic complexity helps identify functions that are more likely to be error-prone and harder to maintain, highlighting areas of potential technical debt.

Practical Steps for Reducing Technical Debt

  1. Regular Refactoring

    • Description: Refactoring involves restructuring existing code without changing its external behavior. It helps improve code readability, reduce complexity, and eliminate redundancies.

    • Example: If you notice duplicated code or overly complex methods, refactor these parts to simplify the code and make it more maintainable.

  2. Incremental Improvements

    • Description: Rather than attempting to address all technical debt at once, focus on incremental improvements. Regularly dedicate time to tackle small chunks of debt.

    • Example: Allocate 10-20% of each sprint's capacity to addressing technical debt. This approach prevents the accumulation of new debt while steadily reducing existing debt.

  3. Automated Testing

    • Description: Implement automated testing to ensure that changes to the codebase do not introduce new issues. Automated tests can catch bugs early and provide a safety net for refactoring.

    • Example: Use tools like Jest for JavaScript testing or JUnit for Java to create unit tests, integration tests, and end-to-end tests.

  4. Documentation

    • Description: Comprehensive and up-to-date documentation helps new developers understand the codebase, reducing the learning curve and minimizing the introduction of new debt.

    • Example: Maintain clear documentation for APIs, system architecture, and key design decisions. Use tools like Swagger for API documentation.

  5. Code Reviews

    • Description: Regular code reviews ensure that code meets quality standards and follows best practices. Peer reviews can identify potential issues and areas for improvement.

    • Example: Implement a code review process in your CI/CD pipeline using tools like GitHub Pull Requests or Gerrit.

  6. Adopting Agile Practices

    • Description: Agile practices, such as regular retrospectives and continuous integration, can help identify and address technical debt early.

    • Example: Conduct sprint retrospectives to discuss technical debt and prioritize it in the backlog. Use continuous integration tools like Jenkins or CircleCI to automate testing and deployment.

Using Technical Debt Metrics in Practice

Let's delve into how you can practically apply these metrics and tools to assess and manage technical debt in a real-world scenario.

Scenario: You are managing a legacy web application that has accumulated significant technical debt over the years. The application has poor test coverage, high code complexity, and frequent bugs. Here's a step-by-step approach to assess and measure the technical debt.

  1. Set Up Automated Tools:

    • Integrate SonarQube: Use SonarQube to continuously analyze the codebase for code smells, bugs, and technical debt.

    • Implement Test Coverage Tools: Use tools like Istanbul for JavaScript to measure test coverage and identify untested code areas.

  2. Baseline Assessment:

    • Run Initial Analysis: Perform an initial analysis using SonarQube to establish baseline values for metrics like cyclomatic complexity, code smells, and maintainability index.

    • Calculate Technical Debt Ratio: Estimate the remediation cost using SonarQube and calculate the Technical Debt Ratio (TDR).

  3. Identify High-Debt Areas:

    • Analyze Reports: Review SonarQube reports to identify parts of the codebase with high complexity, low test coverage, and frequent changes.

    • Prioritize Refactoring: Focus on high-impact areas first, such as core modules or frequently changed components.

  4. Implement Improvements:

    • Refactor High-Debt Code: Begin with the most critical sections of the code identified in the analysis. Simplify complex methods, eliminate redundancies, and improve readability.

    • Increase Test Coverage: Write unit tests and integration tests for untested code areas. Aim for at least 80% test coverage to ensure robust testing.

  5. Monitor Progress:

    • Regular Analysis: Continuously monitor the codebase using SonarQube and track improvements in metrics.

    • Review and Adjust: Regularly review progress and adjust strategies as needed. Conduct sprint retrospectives to discuss technical debt and update the backlog.

Example of Measuring and Reducing Technical Debt

Initial SonarQube Report:

  • Cyclomatic Complexity: 25 (high)

  • Code Smells: 120

  • Technical Debt Ratio: 30%

  • Test Coverage: 40%

After Refactoring and Improvements:

  • Cyclomatic Complexity: 15 (reduced)

  • Code Smells: 60 (reduced)

  • Technical Debt Ratio: 20% (reduced)

  • Test Coverage: 75% (increased)

By continuously monitoring these metrics and making incremental improvements, you can significantly reduce technical debt and improve the overall quality of the codebase.


Assessing and measuring technical debt is crucial for maintaining a healthy, maintainable, and scalable codebase. By using metrics like cyclomatic complexity, test coverage, and technical debt ratio, and leveraging tools like SonarQube and CodeClimate, teams can gain valuable insights into their technical debt and take informed steps to manage it. Regular refactoring, automated testing, comprehensive documentation, and agile practices are key strategies to reduce technical debt and ensure sustainable software development.



  1. What is technical debt? Technical debt refers to the long-term costs incurred when developers take shortcuts to achieve quick results, leading to increased maintenance challenges.

  2. Why is it important to assess technical debt? Assessing technical debt helps prioritize refactoring efforts, allocate resources effectively, improve code quality, and increase team productivity.

  3. What metrics can be used to measure technical debt? Metrics include cyclomatic complexity, code smells, maintainability index, test coverage, defect density, technical debt ratio, and code churn.

  4. How can automated tools help in assessing technical debt? Tools like SonarQube, CodeClimate, and NDepend provide detailed reports on code quality, identify high-debt areas, and help track progress in reducing technical debt.

  5. What strategies can be used to reduce technical debt? Regular refactoring, incremental improvements, automated testing, comprehensive documentation, code reviews, and adopting agile practices are effective strategies.